HGB January 2022 Program – L Smetko
Lynn Smetko – Weaving by Design
Handweavers Guild of Boulder
January 2022 Day & Evening Program
Lynn Smetko, a weaver of 25 years, enjoys the design phase of weaving the most. She combines a fascination with weaving, technology and art when designing for her 40-shaft computer-assisted loom. Photo-editing and weaving software are used to create weave plans that not only define fabric, but an entire piece. Lynn is a past president of Complex Weavers, past editor of the CW Journal, past president of the Fort Worth Weavers Guild, and also belongs to Cross Country Weavers, Contemporary Handweavers of Texas, Dallas Handweavers and Spinners Guild, and HGA. Her articles have appeared in the CW Journal and Weavers.
Design Deliberations
Designing can be hard work. Do you have trouble deciding what or how to design for weaving? Are there too many choices or not enough? Are you stuck in a rut with your designs? Sometimes the best ideas come from considering the work of others. Many different approaches to weave design will be explored while looking at inspiring examples.
A Design Journey
Follow one of Lynn’s design journeys which will take you through the many deliberations inherent in the design process. We will look at how a design begins with an inspiration and follow it through creating a draft, weaving, evaluation, and display. We will also see how one design can lead into another, improving the concept with each iteration.
More details on the HGB website
- January 10, 2022 – Day Guild Meeting 10:00 am
Design Deliberations
Email president@handweaversofboulder.org for Zoom access information - January 11, 2022 – Evening Guild Meeting 7:00 pm
A Design Journey
Email eveningchair@handweaversofboulder.org for Zoom access information - Handweavers Guild of Boulder monthly meetings are open to the public – non-members please email the appropriate contact link for Zoom access information.